Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where do your pets fit in your life?

Where do your pets fit in your life?  This is a question I have discussed many times.  By this I mean, How do you view your animals?  I posted this question in my poll on my blog and I have  received but one vote so far and that was from me.  I ask all of you, if you are reading this blog please vote on my poll.   Please leave comments too.  I would like to hear your comments or criticisms.   I want to write stuff you enjoy. 

    Now back to the question.  I have always grown up with animals.  I see them as part of my family.  I do not view them as things.  They are little children.  I believe there are tons of people who share my view.  I have been ridiculed from non animal people about my views. Many of my friends really treat their pets like humans.  I try not to humanize my dog and cats.  But I refuse to see them as objects.  I believe animals are the cause of a lot of arguments in relationships.  I have read stories about couples fighting over the difference of opinions on pets.  I love to see couples that are happy and have dogs and cats and they all just get along and there is no fighting over where the cat sleeps, or where the dog sleeps.  I am curious as to how far people will go to lavish attention on their pets.

  To many people pets are all they have.  Animals have been known to have soothing and almost medicinal effect on people.  I love to read about how petting a cat can calm your blood pressure.  I also have seen how a dog that loves to be read to can help children overcome their fear of reading aloud.  I have actually met that dog. Her name is Sammie.  She is a super sweet dog.
This is the true happiness to be found in owning pets.  There is nothing sweeter then to be greeted at the door, after a long day at work, by a happy smiling furry face with a wagging tail.  Or to have your loving cat reach up for you as you come in the door from work.  The tension of the bad days seems to melt at the sight of those loving eyes.  I think this is great therapy.  If it were not for pets there may be many terribly depressed folks.  Pets are to some as water to a flower.  I love having my furry friends around.  Please comment and let me know what you feel about this subject.  I have not mentioned much about the flip side of this story because I am an avid fan of pets and animals. To think about all of the cruelty and things that go on in this world to the helpless animals makes me very sad.  So I will focus on the positive and the loving part.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy my pets also. I don't get these people who can hurt animals. They must lead a very sad depressing life. I'm glad I'm not like them. I want to see a world that is one day free of animal cruelty.
