Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pet Society Secrets for Facebook

Play, create and share!

Pet Society is the hottest game on Facebook right now. 
You can enjoy many different games and activities in Pet Society, playing ball, jumping with your skipping rope or going on treasure hunts for coins in the city. For those who like to compete you can take part in contests against other pets at the Pet Stadium!   Imagine having a guide that you can use to legally Dominate your way to the top of the game.
                               Pet Society Secrets for Facebook
There are a variety of activities with which the user can interact with the pet, including washing, brushing, petting and feeding the pet. There are also activities whereby pets can interact with the pets of those in the "friends" network. A pet can visit the pets of their friends and perform the same activities to these pets (washing, grooming, feeding, etc.). A pet can visit other pets as many times per day as it is inclined. Pets will receive coins on the first visit to each friend of the day and Paw Points on this and each subsequent visit. Ways to earn coins in Pet Society include the Daily Lottery, visiting friends, winning awards, cleaning or playing with pets, winning hurdle races or betting on the outcome of hurdle races. Ways to earn Paw Points are varied and include visiting friends, buying items and using the stadium.
                                 Pet Society Secrets for Facebook

Now you can have the latest Pet Society Secrets for Face Book!  Your friends will want to know how you leveled up your pet to the top. Find out how you can own the most expensive home and get hundreds of coins in a matter of weeks.  Check It Out.      
                                   Pet Society Secrets for Facebook

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Little Black Cat

     I have a cat named Boo Boo Day.  I raised her from three days old.  She is such a cute cat.  She is 11 years old now.  Throughout her life she never quite acted like a cat.  Perhaps it is because I carried her around with me for weeks.  She was bottle fed and then weened to a dry food mixed with formula.  She would ride on my shoulders.  She still rides on my shoulders.  She has always had to smell and sample everything I eat.  When she was younger she would try to swipe food away from me as I was bringing it to my mouth. 
    When she was still little and sitting on my shoulders it was cute and funny. As she got older and larger it stopped being funny and became down right annoying.     If she could not jump directly to my shoulders she would proceed to climb my pant leg.  Not a great thing to have happen to you.
                                 Secrets To a Happy Cat!

She is not a big cat.  She never got very large in full adulthood.  She is about 7 pounds right now.  She is so funny, because she is so clumsy for a cat.  Grace is not one of her virtues.   She stumbles and slips and has always done so.        

     Today, if I am eating at the dinner table she knows better then to attempt to leap up on the table or my shoulders.  But if I want to have a snack at the couch then it is fair game.  I have to say she is not all that terrible.  Somethings she is not too interested in.  There are certain foods, however, that she would rip you open for.  These include, yeasty breads, any bread really.  Anything vanilla smelling; to include, pudding, ice cream, carnation instant milk.  She loves whipped cream.  She also always has to have a small dish of half and half every morning when I make my coffee. She even knows what the container looks like when I get it out.  If she sees me pick up my coffee mug she will start screaming.  She knows I am going to be getting the half and half out of the refridgerator. 

   I know to some of you this might sseem a bit much, but after having raised her from a wee baby, it is not too terrible.   I try to be careful what she has.   I just let her sample stuff.   I think she loves the cream and vanilla because she was bottle fed on a formula of condensed milk, egg yolk and honey.  It did not hurt her one bit.  She is very healthy and has beautiful black shiny coat. She has gorgeous golden/green eyes.  She is very alert and still has plenty of enery to jump up on me. 

   I am happy to have had the opportunity to have raised this baby.  Everyday is a joy with her.  Well, sometimes she is annoying.  I just get over it.  I Having a special bond with this cat is great.  I love each and everyone of my pets.  They all have a special place in my heart.  This one little black tabby is the most special.
                                  Secrets to a Happy Cat!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Review of "World's Best Cat Litter" Multiple cat

    I would like to give a review of World’s Best Cat Litter Multiple Cat Clumping Formula, and World’s Best Cat Litter (WBCL).  The litter a is corn-based litter.  Let me lay down some ground work before I continue with my review.

     Previously I have tried numerous litters.  All the clay based ones, and the pearls.  I also reverted back to the old original Tidy Cat non-scoop.  Then I tried the new Breeze Cat litter system.  That was a challenge going from a clay based scoopable to the large pellets in the Breeze system.  I eventually convinced my cats to use the Breeze system.     The Breeze system was not so bad.  It was certainly nice not having to carry those heavy 20 pound boxes and bags of clay litter.  All you had to do was buy the special pee-pads and pellets.  The problem with that was the price.  If you only had one cat then it might not be such an issue.  I had three cats.  I ended up having to change the pad everyday.  It cost $4.36 per pack of 4 pads. That was the Walmart price too.  I was spending more money on this type of litter system.  The clean up was also rather challenging.  My one cat was prone to loose stools, which would fall between the pellets and collect on the plactic mesh, so clean up time involved taking the entire box outside and scrubbing off the poo.  That was a nightmare. After too many of these episodes and reviewing my budget I started searching for a better litter.

     I supose I should mention that one night as I was thinking about my situation, and trying to figure out what to do, I ran across a T.V. show called "The Sharktank".  While watching this show there was a woman selling her solution to litter box nightmares.  She had invented a product call "CityKitty".
I bought it.   I was excited about the fact that I could teach my cats to now use the toilet!!  I really had high hopes in this.  I have to say with all honesty that I believe this would have worked.  I have to give this product justice.  It really came close to working for me.   You see, my problem was the fact that I have 3 cats ranging in age from 14, then 11, and 3.  The 3 year old, being the newest member and not very fond of other cats anyhow, was having a bad attitude about this new toilet training system.  She is a very clean cat; and no doubt if it was only for her she might would have really liked this idea.  But she hated and still hates the other two older cats and does not like to be around them and will not use a box that they have stepped in.  So when I moved all the boxes to the downstairs bathroom to start training them to "go" to the toilet box, she just started soiling the house.  This was not going to work.  The other two, having grown up together, seemed to be making a go at it.  The thing was that the box was only so big around and the idea was to cut out a center hole each week until they were going in the toilet.  Like I said, I believe it would have worked if I had only one cat or maybe two.  I could not keep up with them going in that small oval box.   The point here being, you were suposed to use a "Flushable" liter to help with the training.  This is where I first discovered "World's Best Cat Litter."

    While attempting to train my cats to go to the toilet I discovered the best litter I had ever tried.  This "World's Best Cat Litter" is wonderful. 

There is virtually no dust.
It is very light in weight compared to the clays.
It has a pleasant odor, (and this is just the original)
It clumped well, and was not hard to scoop.
It stuck together well also. It was easy to get out of the box.
The poos also were easy to remove and because it is a flushable litter you can just flush away the feces and smell.  I only flush the feces.  I scoop and throw away the urine.

Review Round-up-

+ Very low to no dust
+ Great odor control
+ Flushable (as WBCL points out on their bag, regulations vary as to whether it is okay to flush litter box waste in your area)
+ Environmentally friendly. It’s made of corn so it’s completely biodegradable.
+ Requires less litter per pound than regular clumping litter to fill to the same level
+ Light texture making it easy to scoop all the way to the bottom of the box
+ Clumps well, but breaks down in water so it shouldn’t cause problems with plumbing
– Some cats and dogs may find it appealing to eat. It’s important to remember to monitor your pets to make sure they aren’t ingesting a large amount of litter. If they are this may not be the litter for them.   Any type of litter can be a problem. Since corn and other grained based products (including pet foods) can get a mold called aflatoxin, the litter box should not be kept and the litter should not be stored in damp areas as moisture can cause this mold to develop. Please if your cats show any signs of illness, get them to a vet! Cats, especially ones that are overweight, can develop a deadly condition called hepatic lipidosis if they are not eating regularly. Their body starts to metabolize their fat stores which their liver can not handle. This condition can happen for what seems like no reason, so please do not wait several days to see if your cat gets better.

– Some cats may have a problem with a sudden switch from the current litter, so a slow change-over may need to be done.

     This cat litter also comes in a scented formula that has lavender oil.  Some cats may not like this because they are sensitive to odors.  It seems to have a strong smell.  I prefer the original multicat formula in the red and black bag. There is also an original clumping formula, which I believe is for a single cat household.

    I am so happy to have discovered this litter.  It is so easy to maintain my cats litter boxes now. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

The last cowgirl

    I grew up in a rural setting.  It was in the 70's, things were still slow and quiet.  Even though we lived very close to a major airport the roads were single lanes and there were plenty of wide open spaces with trees and streams and hillsides. To me it was "country",  I spent my time running around barefooted.   Playtime meant using your imagination and objects found lying around. Not game boys, or high tech toys.  Lunch usually consisted of vegetables grabbed out of the garden.  Nothing better than a big fresh vine ripe tomato.  Just wipe it off on your shirt and bite into it.   

      My older cousin lived next to us.   My cousin T is the one that got me interested in riding horses.  She would have mom put me on her horse's back and ride me around.   I loved it.  I was only about 3 years old.  As soon as I was old enough I asked for a horse of my own and got it.  I was around 6 years old. That is where all the adventures began.  I was definately a morning person, and I still am today.  I would wake at the crack of dawn and go outside to start my day of play.  My cousin, on the other hand, would often times sleep in.  I know she was sick of me banging on the window to get her up in the mornings.   She would eventually get up.  First thing I wanted to do was to go riding. Mostly we rode bare back.  Bareback means with out a saddle.  I never did like a saddle under me.  I felt more close to the horse when I rode bareback.  We called it indian style.  A few times we would go all out with the saddle and all the gear, but I really loved riding indian style. 
     We would pack a lunch, and some snacks for the horses, a blanket to sit on, and a few various other things, and off we would go on a great adventure.  We would escape from reality while on our horses.  You can be anything you want to be.  We would explore all over the area where we lived.  We saw so many awesome sights and creatures.  There is nothing like wondering through the woods on the back of a horse.  All you hear is the footsteps of your horse walking along.  Of course you have to look out for low limbs and trees. There is also the occasional spider web between two trees with the huge spider on it.  I can not tell you how many times I had a fit because I realized I had just rode into a spider web.  Then you look down and see that huge spider on your shirt front.  Can you imagine the convulsive dancing and arm slapping and flailing, while trying to slap that spider off of you?  Other then those crazy moments everything else was peaceful.   Moving along at such a relaxed pace you can see nature at it's finest.  We climbed hills,  we crossed creeks, we followed the railroad tracks.  We found an old abandoned burial site one time.  That was exciting.  The headstones were so old they were mostly crumbled and gone, except for the very bottom piece.  There were two that were still barely readable.  The one of the lamb, that was witherd and worn from time, was for a male child.  It was dated from the 1800's.  From the dates it appeared that the child had only managed to live for a few months.  There in the middle of these woods up a hillside under some large oak trees stood the small  plot of a family from the late 1700's to 1800's.  That is something I will always remember.  There were no digital cameras then, there was no way to really capture that moment except in my mind. Now as I share it, it is as if I am back there sitting on my horse's back looking at that headstone of the lamb with the ear missing and the edges all rounded off with the effects of time and weather.

   This is just one of many memories of the times I rode horses as a child.  Most of my early memories of childhood involve horse back riding.  I did other things as well, as most kids do.  I played ball with the neighborhood kids.  I fished in the nearby pond. (I also would ride my horse there and tie her with a long rope to a tree so she could eat grass while I fished for a while.) I rode my bike. I mostly stayed outside all day until it was time to eat dinner.  I would also go back outside after eating and play until dark.  Sometimes when the moon was full my cousin and I would just go get the horses and get on them with no bridal or saddle and just walk around the pasture in the light of the full moon.  That too is peaceful.  The horses would just amble along through the pasture while we sat on their backs looking up at the stars and moon.  Funny how it seems that back then there were billions of bright stars and the moon was so big it looked like you could reach out and touch it. 

     To this day I still love horses and everything that having one as a child has brought to my life.  I love my childhood memories of horsback riding.  I wish sometimes today, as an adult, that I could just lie back on my horse's back as she munched on the grass, and gaze up at the sky and the passing clouds.  Those were the days when things were much simpler.  Hope you enjoyed this story.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The path I am taking

Well It has been a while since I last wrote anything.  I have been hoping someone would make some comments as to suggest some material.  I have also been somewhat depressed over the passing of my beloved cat Hailey. 

      So I am here again and just wanted to reach out and let everyone know what has been going on.  I am going to start to volunteer at my local animal shelter.   I have decided  that if I want to pursue  a career change to animal health and care the best place to start is to volunteer at the shelter.  I can learn valuable skills and start off with helping animals in need.  From there I can build a portfolio of experience with working with animals.   Then I will be able to look for positions at some local veterinary hospitals.  There is no greater reward then to help an animal in need.  Animals do not pick their demise.  They are the victims of humans dysfunction.  My goal and plan is to learn and then through this blog and other venues,  educate more people about the health and welfare of our domesticated animal friends and companions.  Of course I will also share funny and touching and heart warming stories about what I see and learn about animals along the way.  I believe this is the right path for me to follow as I journey through life.

I will close for now and send good wishes your way.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dealing with the Loss of a Dearly Loved Pet.

Recover from Pet Loss!
I am not sure how to start this post.  You are all probably wondering why I named it " Life is Not Fair".  Well for animal lovers life is surely not fair sometimes, or, at least it seems that way.
    Today is a very sad day for me.  I had to have my old cat companion of 14 years put to sleep.  I watched her health decline over the past year.  She lost weight, and got very weak.   I wanted to hope for the best, but somehow I could just see the life waning out of her, little by little each day.  I believe the natural supplements  I had her taking did help prolong her life. It seemed that the supplements helped with her upset stomach and wailing.  She seemed to perk up a little for a while. Then she just sort of started to go down hill. She looked so tired and like she just wanted to sleep and not wake up.  I could not take it any longer. I made the decision to let her go to the place at the Rainbow Bridge.  I loved on her all weekend long and bought her special food. I had to hand feed her to get her to eat.  She slept for hours on end. She would wake and yeowl and I would feed her again and hold her. She spent some time outside in the soft grass and laid under the tree and slept. 

    On Monday August 29, 2011, I helped my dear loving cat to go Home.  It is such a hard decision, But I know I did the right thing for her.  I could not be selfish and keep her around just to keep her around.  She was not going to get miraculously well.  No medicine was going to bring back her grace and liveliness.  She was tired and old.  I will miss her dearly. I still look for her.  I  feel like she comes in the room where I am.  I still think I can hear her meow.  I know this is just my imagination and it will pass with some time.

      Let me tell you her name. I named her Hailey, after the Hale-Bopp comet in 1997.  That comet was passing close to the earth the spring that I got her as a kitten.  She was so cute. Fuzzy, fluffy, long hair tortie.  She was big like the Maine coon cat.  She was a rescue.  I saved her from being surely eaten by opossums.  Her entire litter was devoured by opossums except for her and a brother.  He lost and eye from the opossums. She had a terrible scratch on one of her eyes.  She lost that eye later on in life when she was 11 years old.  Both kittens made it. I took her and a friend took the brother. She was such a fancy pants and so sweet.  She was my sweet girl for many years.  

   I have had many companions in my lifetime.  I luckily still have two cats and one dog.  They should keep me company for a while.

    The loss of a pet is a very hard thing.  It is like losing a member of the family.  I love each and everyone of my babies.  It was a terribly difficult thing for me to do today.  I always hate having to make that decision.  It is just so hard.  You try to reason out all of the reasons why it is right, and the right thing to do, but it still does not make it better.  I have had to make that decision several times in my life and I can tell you it Never gets easier.   It is very difficult, and it is different each time for each pet going through it.  One thing my veterinarian told me that really helped alot was "when it is the right time, you will know it."  And she was right.  When it is the right time, you just know in your heart and the angels help you make the decision and do the right and just thing for your beloved friend.
Recover from Pet Loss!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Rainbow Bridge

I would like to share with all who read my blog this very special poem about "The Rainbow Bridge".  This is written by an an unknown author.  I dearly love this special poem.

    Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.  When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to the Rainbow Bridge.  There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together.  There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.  All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who are hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. 

    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing:  they miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.  They all run and play together, but the day comes when suddenly one stops and looks into the distance.  His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver.  Suddenly he breaks from the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster.

    You have been spotted and when you and your special friend finally meet,  you cling together in  joyous reunion, never to be parted again.  The happy kisses rain upon your face;  your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more in those trusting eyes, so long from your life, but never absent from your heart.  Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together...........

                                                                                                              ---Author Unknown

                                     Coping with Pet Loss      

 I really hope you enjoyed that poem.  I have cried many tears through the years for the loving, sweet souls I have had to let go.  I never tire of reading this poem. It is such a comforting reminder.   I am certainly looking forward to being reunited with my special friends. 
      If you have heard it before,  I hope it brings good memories and a reminder of something to look forward to one day.  If you have never heard it, then I hope it touches your heart and gives you some comfort and hope that you too can be reunited with your special friends one day.  If you have another special poem that you would like to share then I would really like to hear it.